Monday, 16 December 2013

P5 Christmas Party

P5 loved Gary James' Magic Show and then had lots of fun playing party games. The dance competition was fantastic! P5s know how to party!

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Highland Dancing Award for Annelie

Congratulations, Annelie, for achieving a Bronze Certificate and Trophy for Highland Dancing!

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Mary King's Close

A genuine pleasure to escort a group of P5C pupils to the Real Mary King's Close on Wednesday 4th December. Many thanks to Liam and Matthew's mums for accompanying. Sparkling company!

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Saul is Tae Kwon Do World Champion!

Last November we posted about Saul's remarkable success as Sciennes' first ever British Champion. We are all so incredibly impressed by his amazing achievement in being crowned Tae Kwon Do WORLD CHAMPION for his age group. All the more remarkable because he only took up the sport a year and a half ago, when he joined a Sciennes Active Schools Club. Saul is Scottish Champion and we wish him success in the European Championships in Switzerland later this year.

We couldn't resist a quick pose with the Lauder lion mascot!

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Chiara's Cracking Skills!

Congratulations to Chiara for achieving a Silver Medal in her first ever Judo competition!
You have been practising hard and it has certainly paid off!
P5C are so proud to have such excellent sports people.
Well done!

Friday, 8 November 2013

P5C at Gladstones land!

Gladstones Land Trip
By Matthew P5C
What's happened to P5C? They look like old town children. That's because it's the Gladstones Land trip! It's WILD. P5C get toured around Mr.Gladstone's tenement. The stuff people used back in those days is much more different from the electronic tools we use today. One room had secret paintings underneath a layer of plaster and the company taking it down stopped. Half the stuff Gladstone's Land contains is from different countries like Scandinavia and Holland. Mr.Gladstone his wife and his children were better off then many old town families. P5C dressed up as old town children outside! They were swarmed with tourists taking photos. What a great trip!

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

P5B - Mary Queen of Scots exhibition

Charlotte - P5B Chief Blogger!

P5B give their opinions about Stovie making and the Mary Queen of Scots trip
By Charlotte

Cooking stovies!
“It was veggie-tastic!” Charlotte
“Fun, yummy and good development.” Yash
“Cooking stovies was EPIC! I loved it." Luke
“I wish we made stovies more often!” Gracie
“It was fun making stovies.”Mathew Ross
“The stovies were really fun to make, I wish we could do it again.” Holly

Mary Queen of Scots exhibition!
“She was scary!” Charlotte
“It was interesting, exciting and scary.”Yash
“Fun, enjoyable and educational!” Luke
“We should go on trips like that more often.” Gracie
“It was fun and interesting.” Mathew Ross
The Mary queen of Scots exhibition was FUN and EPIC! Holly


Halloween day!

By Matthew Caldwell

Halloween is WILD at P5C. Everyone is dressed up in the greatest costumes. First everyone had to look around the school in our maths hunt. When you found a maths question you would figure it out and find a matching letter to help complete the secret Halloween message. Nearly everyone was dressed up from ghosts to zombies, oooooooo creepy. The gruesome recipes are horrific I think I am going to be sick at how gross they are. Last but not least is the party, we had good food and games! Amazing! What an exciting Halloween.

Here are a few of our favourite Halloween Jokes:

·         “Doctor! Doctor! I’ve got a strawberry stuck to me.”

“Okay, I’ll get you some cream for that!”

·         What does a skeleton say before dinner?

Bone appetite

·         How do you make a witch itch?

Take away the W