Sunday, 23 August 2015

Win a class economy bonus.

In class we have been discussing strategies for identifying the meaning of unknown vocabulary in a sentence. 

Fancy winning a £2 class economy bonus? Simply find out the meaning of the challenge word and then use it correctly in a sentence or two. Try to use one or more of the strategies listed on the photo below to work it out from the example sentence before checking it in a dictionary (as it is an unusual word you may have to try more than one dictionary). 

Write the sentence onto a piece of paper and hand  to Ms French. Every correct entry will be awarded a £2 class economy bonus, however the best sentence (judged by the Primary 7 teachers) will win a class economy gift voucher worth £4. The winner will be announced at this Friday's assembly.

The word is mondegreen.

The funniest mondegreen I ever made was when I thought the singer of a song was singing, "I'm a tree, I'm a willow." This  was much prettier than the real lyric, "I'm a creep. I'm a weirdo."

New playground