Monday, 23 February 2015

All Aboard the Wild About Scotland Bus!

P6 were very fortunate to be given the chance to take part in engaging workshops led by Education Officers Lindsay and Jamie from Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) on Monday 23rd February in their 'Wild About Scotland' double decker outreach bus, sponsored by Clydesdale Bank. Pupils learned about the habitats and conservation of beavers and wildcats in particular.

The Wild about Scotland bus is travelling the length and breadth of Scottish communities engaging children with Scotland's natural habitats and native species. The main objective is to provide fun, practical lessons that connect children to the nature in their own backyard with a view to creating a lifelong appreciation and respect for Scotland's wildlife and the importance it plays in wider conservation issues affecting not just Scotland but our planet overall.

P7 pupils from Sciennes and Tollcross Primaries will get a chance to board the bus tomorrow.

Thank you RZSS!