Monday, 19 May 2014

Scottish Opera 2014

What a truly outstanding performance of "The Curse of the MacCabbra Opera House" by Primary Five pupils on Tuesday 13th May. The team from Scottish Opera yet again wove their magic, as only they can, with high energy, focus and lots of fun to choreograph the entire show in a single day. We are also grateful to musical director Roger who spent a day rehearsing the pupils vocally a few weeks ago. The children thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience and rose to the occasion superbly, inspired by the fantastic turnout. We were all so impressed with their confidence and enthusiasm, word perfect and in fine tune. A sterling job by Ms Owen,  Mrs Watson and Miss Stewardson in preparing them so well and thank you to all the families who came along to shout "Bravo!" and "Encore!" Miss Stewardson filmed the show, which will appear in due course. Meanwhile we are very grateful to former pupil Lucy Gogoliuk for her stunning photographs, published below:


Michelle and Jamie



Hats off to fabulous P5 and Scottish Opera!