Thursday, 25 April 2013

Fairtrade in P4B

Jane and Sophie show some of the Fairtrade work they have been doing in P4B
with Mrs Maguire.

Friday, 12 April 2013

Isla P4C - A Star in the Making!

Breaking News

Isla has been chosen to represent Scotland's Gymnastic Squad!
The whole school is extremely impressed with all the effort she has put into getting this far.  P4C are very proud of all her achievements and wish her all the best.  What a star you are Isla.  Well done!

Diving Taster

On Thursday, all of the P4's participated in a Diving Taster workshop and had lots of fun participating
in all the activities planned by the instructors from the Commonwealth Pool.  Saul in P4C managed to beat the record for the number of Chest-to-Bar Pullups and wowed the class with his determination.  Great job Saul!

Have a look at the pictures below:

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Welcome, Joy!

A huge welcome to Joy who joined P4C last term.  She has settled in extremely well and has already wowed the class with her certificates in tap dancing.