Sunday, 2 December 2012

Mummy Madness in P4C

P4C participated extremely well in the cooperative learning task on mummy making.  Every home group was asked to make one of their team members into a mummy for a mummy fashion show! Every group performed very well and worked hard in their teams.  Well done to the following teams:

1st- Mummies 
2nd - Cut Throat Crocs
3rd - Sacred Scarab Beetles

Sunday, 25 November 2012

P4C at the Museum

Primary 4C impressed me with their knowledge on Ancient Egypt during the workshop at the Museum.  They shared facts and experiences with the workshop leaders and  provided extra facts on Gods and Goddesses.  P4C = SUPER STARS!

Thursday, 22 November 2012

P4C support their buddies in the library

Primary 4C supported their P1 buddies extremely well during library time.  I was so impressed by how well they looked after their buddies maturely, reading and explaining different books to them.  Great job P4!

Starry NIght Puzzle

Thursday, 15 November 2012

P4 Ancient Egyptians

P4A thoroughly impressed Education Officers Fiona and Lucy with their indepth knowledge of Ancient Egyptians during a workshop at Chambers Street Museum on Tuesday 13th November.

The children loved handling 3000 year old artefacts and guessing how they might have been used.  They then brought the objects to life through drama, using props and costumes.

Thank you to all the parent helpers who took the children round the Egyptian gallery and helped make the trip such a successful and enjoyable learning opportunity.